Welcome to Hopewell Township




Credit for most of the info here goes to a lot of people

Rita Shea helped work on the Shiplett Book
Dave Shiplett for mailing me the Shiplett book
Lace Lynch for emailing the obits and Newspaper articles
Linda Osburn for mailing me some pictures from a cemetery
Rod Dysinger for passing me family pictures and church info
Kerri Chamberlain for mailing me copies of census reports

Save for Linda all of these people are descendants of the Shiplett
Councilman and Franklin families.

If anyone who reads this page wants to submit anything they have
scanned or typed out that I can copy and paste,
I will be happy to add it to the Hopewell Page.
My email cyndisimpkins@columbus.rr.com

I have separated the information on this page hoping to make it easier to find info.

Below are links to the pages that are now Hopewell Township

Obits are on another page if you would like to view them.
News Articles from Hopewell Township on another page.
Baptisms for Hopewell Township
Marriage Records of Hopewell Twp. on another page for viewing I will be adding some everyday.
Marriage Records I have collected for the county.
Cemeteries of Hopewell Township

A Brief History of Hopewell Township

This township was organized March 3, 1812. Several annexations and re - annexations brought it to its present size by 1819. It is bounded on the north by Licking township, the east by Falls and Springfield Townships, the south by Newton Township and Perry County and on the west by Licking County.

The land is generally of a rolling nature, which makes it ideal for farming, the principal vocation of the population. Small family farms abound here. Flint Ridge, the underlying layer of stone so highly prized by the Indians, begins its rise in the western portion of the township and extends into Licking Co. Some oil and gas have been discovered here.

The area is watered with several small streams, Kent’s Run, Thompsons’s Run, Poverty Run, Timber Run, and Sand Creek, all of which lie within the watershed of the Muskingum River. The Licking River, Known as Licking or Pataskala Creek in early printings, was dammed by the Army Corps of Engineers in the late 1950’s. Hence, a part of the Dillon Reservoir borders the northeastern corner of the township.

The earliest pioneer families who settled within the township were Hinton, Bonifield, Carr, Jennings, Wilson, Henslee, Manley, Hamilton, Coffman, Willey, Clabagh, Morgan, Colvin, Franklin, Richey, Burley, Boyle, Winegardner, Smith, Emeny, and Beams.
Many other people followed and populated the township to a greater degree. This was probably responsible for driving off the Indians, who still lived in the area as late as 1810.
As the population grew, small communities sprang up. The village of Hopewell was laid out by John and james Richey in 1829; Mt. Sterling known as Mt. Starling in many early maps and books, was laid out the same year by Nathan Wilson. Other small communities were Gratiot, Cottage Hill, Wesley and Pleasant valley.

The first schoolhouse was built in 1814, a log cabin affair in the first quadrant, it was taught by Abraham Frey, although a Dr. Duzenberry, who was also a physician of sorts, first began proper instruction of the children in 1812.

The national Road, that great early highway of migration, ran through the township and spawned the earliest villages, taverns, wagon shops, etc. However, it was preceded as the first public road further south, which ran from the city of Zanesville through the county to the other larger communities. Interstate 70 and US Route 40 parallel one another as the principal roadways today. An extensive system of county and township roads, make the township easily accessible.

Religion played and important part in the lives of the early settlers and small congregations of Baptists, Lutherans, and Presbyterians were formed. They met in individual homes until their membership grew and allowed them to build churches for their worship. many of the laid aside a section of the church lands as burying grounds.
Burials in the townships date from 1806.
Today modern times have brought many changes and conveniences but little change in the vocationof the people who own the lands, farming still far outnumbering and occupying all others. Many products are made from the variety of crops. Timber of the very highest grade is also harvested from the woods of oak, hickory, beech, cherry, maple and others.

J. William Barrett II

My ancestors the Shiplett's came here from Va. and settled in Hopewell Township at what was called Jacks Hollow 3 to 4 Miles southwest of Mt. Sterling which is some 8 miles southwest of Zanesville in Muskingum County.
After completion of a county road through that area it was known as Jack's Hill, maybe named after Jack Shiplett ? This same land was in later years owned by Charles Diltz .
The general area was known as Stringtown later as Opera.
David Roland Shiplett's sister Keziah and brother Jackie traveled here in time for Roland to be married in Muskingum County by 1830 sister Keziah was married by 1829.
Jack never married or no record was ever found of a marriage. Nothing is known of Roland's trek to Ohio except that Roland told his grandchildren of arriving by foot carrying all of his possessions wrapped in a huge handkerchief tied to the end of a stick.

It is generally believed that the Shiplett's never owned any land just settled on it.
Jackie later ran a mill on Kento Run just below the National Highway on land owned by George Porter.

The Beginning for My Family
The Franklins

Charles Franklin born in 1769 MD traveled to Ohio after 1820 and before 1830
In a history of Muskingum County
Charles Franklin is mentioned as having been one of it's first settlers. A tale has been handed down that the Franklins were driving along with their team of oxen and covered wagon looking for a home site. One early morning the Franklin family came to a spring pool alive with wild turkeys drinking , it was a beautiful, likely looking spot .Catherine Franklin, Charles wife descended from the wagon for a better look, found the frost most cold to her feet but decided this was the place for her home.

The Franklin land was later owned by the John Stine heirs it was some 3 to 4 miles southwest of Mt Sterling on the Martin Road  Leroy Shiplett said the Franklins built their cabin just back of what is now called the old Barnett watering trough.

The Franklins seven children were raised in Ohio after having been born in MD Elizabeth their baby was born in Va. on the trip to Ohio.

Nancy Franklin married Ferdinand Gottleib Shue in 1820
Cassandra Franklin married William Lewis in 1813
Ruth Franklin married Cornelius Anderson in 1831
Catherine Franklin married Edward Erwin in 1824
Elizabeth Franklin married Roland Shiplett in 1830
Hezekiah Franklin married Mary Funk in 1822
Simeon Franklin married Catherine Funk in 1827


Upon completion of the Franklin home Charles Franklin's first act was to form a group that met in his and others homes, later in the year this group built the Methodist Asbury Chapel which to this day is well maintained.
Charles Franklin was killed by fallen timber in 1830 at the age of 61 on the Penn Farm later owned by Jane Harvey while helping to raise a new barn.
Charles as well as his wife Catherine and Nathan and Eliza Shiplett their grandchildren were buried in an old cemetery on what was later known as the Mary Jane Martin Farm , this farm was later owned by Nick Moidya who is said to have farmed over the graves and no markers remain.

Just got info that the Mary Ann Martin Farm was also partly owned by two of the Shiplett brothers and was later sold to Joseph Martin who married a Samantha Van Horn . Mary Ann Martin was married to Burris van Horn and the page I got this from is 

It is said that on the Franklin farm all of the Shiplett children were born and raised.

The Hughes

The Hughes also had moved into the area from New York
William Caleb Hughes Nelson's father in law married an Amy Allen also from New York WILLIAM PERLEY "CALEB" HUGHES was born 06 Mar 1798 in Newark, NJ, and died 12 Feb 1875 in Buried in Mt. Sterling cemetery. He married AMY ALLEN 20 Jun 1820 in New Jersey. She was born 07 Apr 1800 in New Jersey, and died 08 Jun 1890 in Buried in Mt. Sterling cemetery.


His father was drowned in the sinking of a boat in England, or from the boat while coming to America. He left his widow, 2-year-old Caleb, and a daughter. Caleb's mother came to Glen Falls, New York, where she left Caleb with his father's brother, while she and the daughter headed west by stage coach to go to her brothers. They were never heard of again. Mattie Beggs believes Caleb was raised by a William James, where Caleb learned the shoemaker's trade - this being at Glens Falls.

On June 20,1820, Caleb married Amy Allen, who was born on April 7,1800 in New Jersey. The marriage is believed to have been in New Jersey, which state had been the home of her parents. However, it is thought that Amy Allen had been staying in Coshocton, Ohio, where a wealthy brother, Joe, owned a large store. Some think the wedding was in New York State - possibly Glen Falls.

The names of Amy Allen's parents are unknown to me, but it is known that Amy had at least 4 brothers - Joe, Wesley, Search and John, and a sister Phoebe. Search, it is believed, was killed in the war of 1812. Phoebe married a Sam Liggen or Leggeff, and lived in lndianapolis and had a son who was an attorney Wesley came to Ohio with Caleb. He had 3 wives and 22 children. Either John or Wesley had a daughter named Mary, who married a ________ Liek of Morristown, New Jersey, and they had a son, Harry Liek, born around 1877(?) and a daughter Flora or Florence. Joe had a store and the post office at Coshocton, Ohio. Whether John came to the Mt. Sterling area is not known, but Allen reunions are still held around that vicinity, and it is believed that they are the descendants of either Wesley or John.


Young Amy was a descendant of the Sargents, also known as Searches, who came from England and located in Brooklyn. Family legend tells that the ground where the huge skyscrapers of New York City stand is rightfully the property of the Sargent descendants.

There is a story told of Caleb and Amy arrived in Zanesville crossed the famous Y bridge with only twelve cents left in cash, with them were the children born to them at that time Indy Ann, Allen , Joseph and Maria.

Amy's parents, too, came to the Zanesville area, they lived it is thought near Finley Chapel Ohio 3 miles north of Mt Sterling They are both buried in the Williams Cemetery between Zanesville and Mt. Sterling. Although no markers were put on their graves, the exact location was pointed out to Mattie Beggs years ago. Whether they preceded their daughter Amy, and her husband Caleb to Ohio is not known. We know nothing of their lives.

A log cabin stood down in the hollow near a spring and a creek, and into this building, which was to stand for over 100 years until destroyed by fire, moved Caleb Hughes, Amy, and children.

The farm was about 80% hill. The approach to the farm buildings from either road was down a very steep grade. About 10 acres were tillable. A creek wound from NW to SE, running in back of the barn and house, and into it trickled the cool water of an exceptional spring that never dried up until the dreadful drought of 1930. The hills contained fine clay for pottery. A small coal bunk was just east of the property. Here were to be born the rest of their family: William; Isarah or Isaiah; Amy and Amanda. Caleb, the shoemaker, set up his shop in one corner of his house, which was to serve his customers and family for the next 42 years. Many came here for measurements and fittings. Caleb was a short, rather chunky man. He talked very little and never uttered a cross or slang or swear word. He and his wife were members of the
Mt. Sterling Methodist Church.

1830 to 1870's


1830 Caleb Hughes an brother in law Wesley Allen bought land for 333.00
on Feb 11th  from Ezekiel Norman, the farm on the east adjoined the present Mt Sterling Methodist Church and lay on the National Road
This farm was later known as The Mc Holland farm

Two years later 1832 Feb Caleb and Wesley sold the farm and in April purchases a 44 acre farm from Sanford Priest for 300.00 this farm was to be the home of Nelson and the Hughes for the next 100 years
The log cabin stood in a hollow for over a 100 years and here Caleb and  Amy Hughes lived with their children.

 The farm was located south of Mt Sterling The Andy Smith Farm later known as the Hugh Franz and Ula Fisher Farm was on the east.
Perry Perine Farm was on the south and the Bill Dick Farm was on the west . Caleb Hughes was a shoemaker.

Amy Hughes was a surprised lady when visited by a good friend Phoebe
Liggett she was told the beautiful potted plant she was so proudly exhibiting was laden with delicious edible fruit , they were called tomatoes.

It is said Amy Hughes Shiplett was the community nurse attending most of the mothers in that area.

Mattie Beggs Hughes adopted by the Hughes or raised by them after the death of her mother worked for the Felton family doing housework for 75 cents a week. It is written in my book that Mattie later gave the bell for the present Mt. Sterling church which replaced the old church which stood in the rear of the cemetery

The Shiplett children married into these families from the area.

James Alfred married Martha J Dollings
Ephraim married Amanda Hughes
Charles married Sarah Dollings
Nelson married Amy Hughes
George married Emily Martin
William married Lucy Martin
Elizabeth married Thomas Chapman
Simeon married in Fayette Co, Hester Anna Bates
Lennetta married William Harmon
Leroy married Sarah Hammond

Read about Nelsons adventure while going to sign up for the Civil War

Nelson Shiplett along with brothers in laws William and Joe Hughes
built and ran a sizeable pottery shop. In 1890 Nelson operated one of the many coal banks located that were located in the hills.
Nelson Shiplett had been running the large coal bank on the Morrison farm, Coal by the way was sold by the bushel. In 1890 Nelson moved his family into the huge beautiful house on that farm. Shelby Atwell and his wife Maid as she was called moved on to the old Hughes farm to stay for three years. The Morrison House had three fireplaces an immense veranda a summer kitchen and a fine orchard .
While living here the Nelson Shiplett children would attend Asbury
Methodist Church. While walking every Sunday The Ephraim Shiplett children would join them then the Normans , Varners and the Colvin family. It is said Ephraim and Amos Norman always accompanied the children.


Asbury Chapel listing
and its school.

Asbury Chapel Church


The old farm was a great place to raise children .There was a fine orchard
with all the varieties of apples plums peaches and persimmons , huge chestnut trees grew on the hills a real cinnamon tree provided tasty chewing and spice . A big hard maple tree was tapped annually , blackberries were most plentiful and provided many a meal for the Shiplett's a good garden was maintained and the surplus vegetables were stored  in the wonderful spring house that also cooled the milk and butter.

One of the outstanding events of the year was the apple butter making bee Several of the neighbors such as the Varners or Belle Dick would join the Shiplett's. Apples would be prepared and put into a huge 30 gallon brass or copper kettle over an outdoor fire, it was cooked slowly and stirred constantly, at about midnight the apple butter would be packed into stone jars capped with tin lids and sealed with wax. A chicken dinner would be served at midnight much to the consternation of the children who were not permitted to stay up for the spread. It was a great occasion.

Good neighbors were the Perry Perrine's, Solomon Varners, William and Belle Dick and their children and Joseph Porters family.

A marvelous singing school was conducted in Mt Sterling on several occasions by Dunk Van Allen (an uncle of R.S. VanAllen), one of the many excellent singing Van Allen's. many of the Shiplett's attended.

It was but a short mile across lots to Mt. Sterling past the Len Marsh Farm, to that village went the Shiplett children to school and the Methodist Church , here the family groceries and supplies were purchased.

The National Pike or highway between Columbus and Zanesville through Mt Sterling was a wonderfully improved road but a toll gate was maintained on it with a long pole that impeded your progress until you paid ten cents .To avoid this outrageous expense the back dirt road to Zanesville was usually used.

1870's to 1900

James Simpson and his family lived in Mt Sterling one of his sons Ross had married Emma Shiplett daughter of Nelson and Amy .In about 1880 James visited his brother who lived south of Belvidere Illinois Spring Township , as his brother was childless and as James had  plenty of youngsters he left there two of his children
Origin ( who married Lillian ?) and Margaret who married Jack Lucas .
In 1883 Ross Simpson a stonemason was out of work at Mt Sterling so he bundled up his children Connie and Eva, wife Emma and went to Belvidere Illinois to visit his brother origin and sister Margaret.
During this visit the Simpson family decided to stay.

Roland  who died in 1886 and Elizabeth who died 1881
along with the Hughes are buried in the Mt Sterling cemetery.

The depression of 1890 was far reaching and few families escaped its effect Ross and Emma Simpson lost their home in Illinois and went back to Ohio for six months. The Alfred and Lou Martin family moved from Columbus in with the Nelson Shiplett family up on the Morrison farm.
As is always the case during  the  depression the farmer is always best at surviving the economic storm.


Burrier Log Home    

   Burrier Farm house

Burrier Map





Burrier Class

Burrier school home

 A picture of Burrier School ,second of students of Burrier School. School was located on Flint Ridge, on the farm of Jacob Burrier (born 1809) who married Charity Crown. They bought the farm in 1833 from a J. Boyer. Teachers that were hired roomed at the Burrier residence. Several of the Burrier's also taught.



Marriages in Hopewell at Asbury Chapel. Email me I will look thru my papers .

Some assorted Muskingum County marriage pages I have collected.
From top of page to bottom of page beginning to ending name on each page.

Dickerson to Donover assorted years.

Shenafield  to Shipton assorted years.

Shiplett  to Shurtz assorted years.

Shaw to Simpson assorted years.

Sherman to Shroyer assorted years.

Briggs to Brown  assorted years.

Shick to Snyder assorted years.


The post office closed in the small community of Opera in 1900 as the population dwindled. At the community's best (according to Florence Perine an 82 year old native of the area). Opera had a post office ,three general stores, a saw mill a grist mill, and several small potteries. There were fourteen homes and a population of about seventy five.

Welcome Shiplett son of Ephraim returned to Mt. Sterling in 1902 and bought the Shelby Atwell half interest in the old farm. Later his father and mother sold him their half, so he was sole owner.

In 1917, 85-year-old Nelson Shiplett and 77-year-old Amy held their 60th wedding anniversary in the same house where they had been married, and she had been born. 60 were present, including the couple who had stood up with them.

On April 16, 1921, Nelson died of a stroke and was buried in the Mt. Sterling Cemetery. Amy there after spent time with the different children, but starting about 1924 made her home with State and Nellie Van Allen, where she died on Sept. 10, 1930 after a long period of feebleness. She was buried beside her husband.


 James Alfred and Charles Shiplett had gone over to Perry county to live
just over the hill and attended the Wesley Chapel Methodist Church

Simeon Shiplett went to live in Fayette County Ohio where he was a

Sheriff for a time.


And that was life in Hopewell township in the 1800's to the early 1900's






I am a Christian who believes in Jesus Christ being the only way to heaven and to get there you have to give your life to God and ask Jesus into your heart and ask Gods forgiveness for all the things you have done wrong in your life. Please give your life to God and enjoy eternity in Heaven.

I now attend a Methodist Church and they do something new now that is so cool called Celebrate Jesus that is like your own neighborhood mission work they do it all over the state of Florida. Missionaries from all over travel to other Methodist churches in Fla. and they help you walk the neighborhoods in your town. We spread neighborhood block party invitations, Give out water, give away free food, we gave out bus tokens and many other things for a week and take in prayer requests and at the end of the week we have a huge block party. This is so cool.

Celebrate Jesus
Something my Church does.

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