Obits for
Hopewell Township Muskingum County Ohio

Hopewell Home
for Hopewell Township
Newspaper Articles
Hopewell Township
Marriage records
of Hopewell
Marriage records
for the county I have
Cemeteries of Hopewell Township

Mrs. Eliza A.
Hopewell and
Mrs. Eliza A. McCammon, one of the most estimable ladies of
this community, wife of Z. McCammon, died September 4. in the
61st year of her age. Her life was one of Christian zeal and
benevolence. The character of Christ was her delight. Her
faith in immortality had something of the clearness of vision,
and when the messenger came she was ready to go, and having
her work completely done she sweetly passed into the spirit
world. A husband, four sons and one daughter survive her.
One son, G. W. McCammon is a member of the Legislature in
Kansas and another, a graduate of the Ohio Wesleyan
The funeral was held at Asbury Chapel at 10 o'clock Tuesday
the 8th.
Zanesville Daily Courier published Zanesville, Ohio
15 Sept 1885

Matthew Hammond
June 3, 1886 son of D. L. and R. 24y 6m 13 d.
Baltimore and Ohio
freight engine No. 412, exploded her boiler about three o'clock this morning
while standing in the Bellaire yards. Three men were instantly killed namely
Matthew W. Hammond, Engineer of Engine 235; Engineer Johnson of 412, and John
Vandivort, fireman. Matthew W. Hammond is a brother of P. W. Hammond of this
city. He formerly resided here, but recently made his home at Newark, Ohio. He
was unmarried and lived with his mother. The news of his terrible death came
like a shock to relatives and friends here, and his brother, P. W., immediately
upon receipt of the sad intelligence took steps to have the remains forwarded.
The engine passed through this city last evening in charge of Engineer Johnson.
Additional particulars of the sad accident will be found in our telegraph
Vandevorts father resides near New Concord.
The Zanesville Daily
Courier Thursday June 3, 1886
same day..A. P. article
Wheeling W. Va. June
3.- The Baltimore and Ohio local freight engine. Number 412, while standing on
the track in the yard at Bellaire, Ohio, this morning, exploded her boiler with
terrific force, killing Engineer Johnson and Fireman John Vandevoort, and Mat
Hammond, engineer of engine No. 285; all of Newark, Ohio. Two of the bodies were
blown one hundred yards. Fragments of the locomotive were blown through the
adjoining house with great damage to furniture. The shock was felt all over
Bellaire, breaking glass in windows squares away.
The funeral of M. W.
Hammond, one of the engineers killed by the explosion of a locomotive at
Bellaire, Thursday, took place yesterday afternoon at Mt. Sterling. Mr. Hammond
was a single man. The remains of John Vandivort, the fireman were committed to
the family burial lot at Pleasant Hill cemetery, one mile south of New Concord.
Zanesville Daily
Courier Sat June 5, 1886

Unfortunate young Tucker
Shiplett Dies after Two Weeks of Great Agony
A few days ago, the ADVOCATE published an account of
Mr. J.S. Shiplett or "Tuck" Shiplett, as he was
familiarly called by his friends, accidentally shooting himself while out
It was first hoped that the unfortunate young man might recover, but, from the
following which we clip from the Zanesville SIGNAL of Friday, it appeared the
sad accident had a fatal ending.
Mr. Shiplett lived just over the Licking county line and he has many relatives
and friends in this county who will be deeply pained to hear of
his death: died 13 Dec. 1888
ADVOCATE published: Newark, OH
From: Licking Co. Genealogical Society

Rev. White McCammon
Rev. B. F. Jackson yesterday
received a telegram conveying the sad intelligence of the death of Rev. White
McCammon, which occured at Maple Wood, Mass., yesterday morning. Nothing has
been known by his relatives and friends of his sickness, and the announcement of
his sudden death will be a severe blow to his aged father and his brothers and
sisters. The remains will arrive in this city over the B. & O. Ry. this
afternoon, and will probably be taken to Asbury chapel in Hopewell township for
Rev. White McCammon was a son of Zachariah McCammon, until who recently made his
home in Hopewell Township. He was one of the early settlers in that locality,
and began in poverty at the blacksmith anvil. He was honest, upright and
industrious, and after long years of hard work accumulated considerable wealth.
In after years he turned to his attention to farming. He had several sons, and
feeling the lack of education himself put forth every effort to give his
children the advantages of a thorough education. When his son White was quite a
young man, he started him to school at Madison Academy in Mt. Perry, at that
time a flourishing institution under the management of Rev. James White, now of
Arkansas City. Here he remained three years completing the academic course. He
then taught school for two or three years, and subsequently entered Ohio
Wesleyan University at Delaware. He was a close student during the four years he
spent at this institution, and enjoyed the esteem of both professors and
students. He was considered among those quick to learn, but at the end of his
collegiate course his perseverance had placed him in advance of many of his
classmates who had out shown him in the class room.
He graduated in 1885, and then began to prepare himself for his life's work,
the ministry. He entered the Boston school of theology of the Methodist Episcopal
church and driving his course at this institution he was noted for his studious
habits, and the thoroughness with which he did his work He also regularly
conducted service at the many mission churches established by this denomination
in the suburban districts of Boston. On completing his course in Theology he
determined to devote a year to travel and delivering lectures. He chose for his
subject "American Poets, " and devoted a year to the preparation of his lecture.
He visited the poets of fame, met them in their studies and learned their home
life.. How well he did his work is known to those who heard him deliver his
lecture last spring in Gold hall. He appeared before institutes and colleges
both east and west, and received the most favorable comments of the press
everywhere he lectured.. He completed this work only
a short time since and in April joined the New England conference of the M E.
church and was located in maple Wood a suburb of Boston. He was thoroughly
educated, a good speaker, and had the brightest prospects of a life of
The Daily Times Recorder, published Zanesville, Ohio
May 20, 1892

Mrs. Emma Shiplett
Mrs. Emma Shiplett aged 59 years died at
her home in Hopewell Tuesday. She was the widow of George Shiplett and leaves
one daughter, Lillie, to mourn her death. The funeral was held Wednesday
afternoon at one o'clock from the Mt. Perry church, the Rev. Mr. Stewart
died 10/03/05
Licking Co. Genealogical Society

Mrs. Rebecca Hammond, widow of the
late Daniel Lewis Hammond, aged 78, was found dead in the front threshold of the
home of her son, Charles Frank Hammond of Vine street (Newark, Ohio) about 6
o'clock Sunday morning.
Mrs. Hammond had been making her home with her son for 23 years coming
here from Zanesville. She was born in Pennsylvania, and in early life moved to
Guernsey county where she resided for about 15 years, when she moved to
Zanesville. The deceased survived her husband 38 years.
Out of eight children only two survive, Mr. Frank Hammond of Newark and
Mrs. Leroy (Sarah) Shiplett living near Asbury Chapel (Muskingum County)
Funeral services will be held at the Vine street home at 3 o'clock Monday
afternoon, conducted by the Rev. T. W. Locke of the East Side Methodist church,
the interment being made in the cemetery at Mt. Sterling (Muskingum County)
Tuesday, where Rev. Locke will also conduct the services.

Well Known
Farmer Dies At Home Near Gratiot
William Shiplett a prominent and
highly respected farmer, passed away at his home near Gratiot at 10 o'clock
Wednesday morning. Death was caused by paralysis. His age was 65 years. Deceased is survived by a widow,
three sons and three daughters as follows: Frank Shiplett of Glass Rock,
Sherman Shiplett, who resides near the home, and Walter Shiplett of the home. Mrs. Harry Crawmer of Black Hand, Mrs.
Parker Brandom of near the home, and Mrs. Mabel Reber of the home. Funeral services will be conducted
at Asbury Chapel at 10 o'clock this morning, followed by interment in the
cemetery at that place
Friday Aug. 9, 1907 
Charles E Shiplett
Charles Edward Shiplett,
60, well-known resident of White Cottage died at 6:30 o'clock Tuesday evening at the
family home. He suffered the amputation of his right hand from injuries sustained
in an accident at the Kearns-Gorsuch Glass Bottle company plant here several
months ago and in November,
had an operation in a Columbus hospital. His decline has been rapid in the past
few weeks. He was a member of the White Cottage M. E. church
and is survived by the wife and a daughter, Mrs. Anna Caughey, at home; one
son, Arthur Shiplett, of White Cottage; three sisters, Mrs. Lena Eversole, of
Mt. Perry; Mrs. Carl Woodward, of White Cottage, and Mrs. Frank Yearly of
Zanesville. The body was removed to the Thompson undertaking parlors at White
Jan 16, 1929

Despondency Over Ill Health
Leads to Suicide of
Welcome M. Shiplett
On May 2, 1931, Welcome Shiplett died at
the old farm, which had for 99 years been the home of the Hughes and Shiplett
families. His widow soon sold the farm and the house was destroyed by fire.
Nothing remains today, except for one small barn. A few straggly scattered apple
trees stand guard over this spot that knew love and laughter for so many years.
Funeral services for Welcome M.
Shiplett, 56, who ended his life by hanging himself in a wagon shed at his home
two miles south of Mt. Sterling, Saturday afternoon will be held at 2 o'clock
Tuesday afternoon at Mt. Sterling M. E. Church. Burial will be made in the
church cemetery. Ill health following an attack of influenza, suffered during
the winter is believed to have made Shiplett despondent, although he appeared in
fairly jovial spirits Saturday morning.
He had driven his team of horses into the shed for shelter from the heavy shower
of the afternoon. The body was found with the neck broken lying on the floor of
the shed near the horse's feet, a strap looped through a buckle and the noose
around his neck. Relatives said it appeared as that Shiplett had been sitting on
the horse and looping the loose end of the strap over the beam, had slid from
the horse, holding to the strap in such a manner that his neck was broken.
Beverly Shiplett, 10 year old daughter of the deceased, found the body as she
was calling him to the evening meal. She gave alarm and neighbors rushed to the
aid of the grief stricken widow and children.
The deceased was a member of the Mt.
Sterling M. E. church and the I. O. O.F. lodge of Mt. Sterling. Surviving are
the widow and five children: Leroy, Beverly, Marjorie, Nellie and Kathryn at
home; one brother, Edward Shiplett of White Cottage; Mrs. Nellie Van Allen of
White Cottage; Mrs. Luetta Martin, Columbus; Mrs. Mary Hursey, Newark; Mrs. J.
A. Fay, Seattle Wash.; Mrs. Axie Hall, Belvidere, Ill.; Mrs. Edward Morton,
Hopewell, and a large number of other relatives and friends.
The body was taken to the Van Allen home
at White Cottage to remain until time for the last rites. Steele of Mt. Sterling
is in charge.
Monday May 4, 1931 Probably
Times Recorder

Lillie Irvin
Services for Mrs. Lillie Irvin,
75, who died Sunday at 11 a.m. at her home in Gratiot, will be held Wednesday at
2 p.m. in Gratiot Methodist church with Rev. C. E. Bulen in charge.
Burial will
be in Wesley Union cemetery near White Cottage.
Although Mrs. Irvin had been in failing health for some time, she had been
seriously ill for only two days. She had spent practically her entire life in
Gratiot where she was a member of the Methodist church and the Missionary
society. The former Miss Lillie Chapman, she married Dr. Frank Wortman in 1903,
who died in 1905. In 1908 she was wedded to Adam R. Irvin of Gratiot who
preceded her in death nine years.
Surviving are a step-daughter, Mrs. Roy F. (May) Ardrey of Gratiot; three
step-sons, William A. Irvin of Gratiot, Harry B. Irvin of Zanesville, and Ross
Irvin of Pleasant Valley; a sister, Mrs. Minnie Campbell of Philo; four
grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.
The body was to have been removed from Thompson and Son funeral home in White
Cottage to the residence early today.
The Zanesville News, published: Zanesville, Ohio
Tuesday Evening, 31 Aug. 1943

Private services will be held for Z.H.S.
varsity football player Orel E. Shiplett, 15, at 2 o'clock this afternoon at the
Hearing- Bryan-DeLong funeral home with Rev. H. P. Garner officiating. Shiplett
died suddenly yesterday morning from an illness described as menenegoccial
meningitis and will be buried at the Asbury chapel cemetery.
Dr. Daniel Caudy, city health
commissioner, said yesterday that no plans have been made to quarantine the
members of the high school football team because the boy became ill after the
team practiced. Earlier it was believed that this step might be necessary to
stop an epidemic throughout Zanesville.
Shiplett son of Mrs. Fern Shiplett of
354 E. Indiana Street, complained of an illness Wednesday evening when he
returned home from football practice, his mother said. He was a carrier for the
Times Recorder and became violently ill after delivering his papers Thursday
morning. He died at 10:15
a. m. yesterday at his home. Young Shiplett apparently
was feeling well during workouts Wednesday morning and afternoon according to
his coach George Vlerebone.
He was a member of the Church of the Brethren at White Cottage. Surviving, in
addition to his mother are a sister, Patty Lee Shiplett, the grandparents, Mrs.
Margaret Shiplett of Fairmont avenue and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gus of 724 Amelia
street and a number of nieces and nephews.
Saturday, September 4, 1948
Submitted by: Lace Lynch
Glenna Wescott
Mrs. Glenna
Westcott, 56 of Zanesville Rt. 2 died at 9:25 o'clock Friday morning at the
Marion city hospital where she had undergone surgery Wednesday. She was the wife
of Clyde E. Westcott.
She was born in Muskingum county of Feb. 23, 1896, a daughter fo Admiral and
Mazie Wortman Shiplett.
Mrs. Westcott was a member of the Asbury Methodist church and the George Ridge
Community club.
Surviving in addition to her husband are one daughter, Mrs. William Taylor of
Sonora Rt. 1; two sons, Earl of 928 Blue avenue and Ralph Westcott of Marion, O;
one brother , Ambrose Shiplett of Cheviot, O; seven grandchildren; and an aunt,
Mrs Gertrude Keffer of Zanesville Rt. 2
The body is at the Clyde E.
Thompson funeral home in Duncan Falls were friends may call after 3 o'clock this
Services will be held at the funeral home at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon with
Rev. Robert M. Gay officiating. Burial will be in Wesley chapel cemetery.Date
Jan 23, 1953

Mrs., Margaret E.
88 of 2702 Edison Avenue died at 6:50 a.m. Saturday
(June 3) at Good Samaritan Hospital where she had been a patient nine days.
Born on Nov. 24, 1878, near Meadow Farm, she was a daughter of Job and Emily
Johnson Simmons. She had resided in the Zanesville area all her life, was a
charter member of Coburn Methodist Church, and was a member of the church adult
Bible class and Eastern Star Chapter No. 52 Surviving are a son, Elmer E. of 508
Schaum Avenue; five sisters, Mrs. Prudence Roberts of Mount Perry Route 1, Mrs.
Georgia Fleming of 803 McIntire Avenue, Mrs. Marie Roberts of 1251 Maple Avenue,
Mrs. Nellie Norris of 310 Hale Road and Mrs. Verna Burkart of West Pike; six
grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren.
Her husband, Oral J., died in 1928,
and a son Maurice died in 1953.
Friends may call from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9
p.m. Monday. Burial will be in Asbury Chapel Cemetery.
Eastern Star services will be held at the funeral home at 8 p.m. today.
THE TIMES RECORDER Sunday, June 4, 1967 Zanesville, OH PAGE 6-B

Edward M Shiplett
Edward M. Shiplett, 86, of
Akron, formerly of White Cottage, died at 9:35 p.m. Monday (Aug 11) in Akron
Hospital where he had been a patient one day.
He was ill several months
Born July 1, 1883, near Mt. Sterling, he was a son of Nelson and Amy Hughes
Shiplett. He had lived in White Cottage until 25 years ago when he moved to
Akron. He was formerly employed at Columbia Cement Corporation and later worked
for Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company in Akron.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Dorothy E. Kuhn of Akron; four grandchildren and
five great-grandchildren,
His wife Mary, died 30 years ago. Friends may call at William
Thompson and Son Funeral Home in White Cottage 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.
and Friday. Services will be held at 1p.m. Saturday at the funeral home
Rev. Stanton Smith officiating. Burial will be in Mt. Sterling Cemetery.
Zanesville, Ohio Wed. Aug 13, 1969
Pallbearers were: James Kuhn, Richard Shiplett, William Cornell,
Kenny Seevers, Ted Ferguson and Jerry Ferguson.

Shiplett obit anybody
know who he belongs to?? or the woman I think they
are related as a Charles Shiplett of Newark Road is mentioned. I now
think they are not connected to our Shiplett's or maybe they were
cousins of Roland's that were never mentioned.
Barney Shiplett
Bernard ( Barney) Shiplett, 61,
of Newark road who sold The Times Recorder at the corner of Fifth and Main for
many years, died at 12:15 a.m. Saturday (Dec. 27) at Bethesda Hospital where he
had been a patient for two weeks. Mr. Shiplett was a familiar figure in the
downtown area where he sold newspapers until he retired recently because of ill
health. A native of Zanesville, he was born Nov. 29, 1908 a son of Charles
Shiplett of Newark road and the
late Mary Clapper Shiplett. He was a member of St. Thomas Catholic Church.
In addition to his father he is survived by several cousins.
Services will be held at 10
a.m. Monday at St. Thomas Church with burial in Mount Calvary Cemetery. The body
is at DeLong and Baker Funeral Home where friends may call 2 to 4 and 7 to 9
p.m. Sunday.
TIMES RECORDER Sun. Dec 28, 1969 pub. Zanesville, Ohio

Kathryn E. Wickham,
86, of 1856 Adams Lane, died at 8:55 p.m. Friday, Nov. 15, 2002, at
Adams Lane Care Center.
Born April 4, 1916, in Zanesville to the late
Jefferson & Sarah E. Shiplett Munn,
she formerly worked at Essex Wire & Bloomer Candy Company.
She is survived by several nieces & nephews.
In addition to her parents,
Wickham was preceded in
death by husband Alfred Wickham
three brothers, Tom, Charles & Arthur
Munn; and five sisters, Edna, Sarah, Mildred, Margaret & Myrtle.
Calling hours will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday at
DeLong-Baker & Lanning Funeral Home, 56 South Fifth St., Zanesville.
Services will be at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home, with Pastor Rod
Stockdale officiating. Burial will follow in Pleasant Grove Cemetery.
Originally published Sunday, November 17, 2002
