Names of drafted men
Newton Twp. - James H. Dollings Potter
Zanesville Signal March 30 1878
Democratic Township Tickets
Springfield Trustees- Joseph Bell, William Swern and Perry Bolin
Clerk - Amos N Gray
Treasurer-William Larzalere
Assessor-William Tipton
Justice of the Peace-John Wortman
Constables-Joseph Dollings and Lawson Dickerson
Hopewell Township
Trustees-Mathhias Drumm, Alvah Bonifield and Robert Bolin
Treasurer- John Wartneby
Township Clerk- David L Brown
Assessor-George Kreager
Constables- Jacob Shaw and Shelby Hibbs.

On Saturday, February 29, there was a birthday party
for Mrs. Minnie Campbell, wife of Mrs. L. C. Campbell, of Opera, which will not
occur again for four years, that is till the next leap year and the following
persons were there to enjoy the occasion: Thomas Chapman and wife, Nelson
Shiplett and wife, Charles Harlan and wife, Leroy Shiplett, wife and daughter,
Ephraim Shiplett and wife, William Dollinger, Mrs. Louisa Dollinger,
Charles Shiplett, wife and daughter, Elmer Riggle, Miss Lillie Thompson, Mrs.
Jane Martin, Mrs. Bertie Rutledge, Mrs. Edward Shiplett. March 11, 1896
pub. Zanesville, OH
An Article from 1898 Zanesville
A very interesting reunion was held
at the home of Leroy Shiplett on the Cooperville Road in Hopewell Township nine
miles west of the city on last Thursday the 7th.,the reunion was the gathering
of the descendants of Charles Franklin with their friends.
Mr.Franklin, who was an accepted second cousin of the renowned American
Commoner, Benjamin Franklin, was one of the earliest pioneers of that part of
the country - removing to the Ohio wilderness from Baltimore, Maryland in 1810.
One of Charles’s first concerns after he settled in Hopewell Township was the
organization of the Methodist Congregation. The class or Sunday group that
organized at his house was the origin of the church at
Asbury Chapel. Two years after having moved to Hopewell Township
Charles Franklin was killed by the falling of a timber while he was
helping raise a barn on the
Diltz place.
Mr. Franklin had two sons, Hezekiah
and Simon and five daughters whose names after marriage were Mrs. Betsy
(Elizabeth) Shiplett, Mrs. Cassandra Lewis,
Mrs. Catherine Irwin,
Mrs. Ruth Anderson and Nancy Shue. All these are dead.
The members of the family attending the reunion were all of the later
They were Leroy, Nelson, William,
Alfred, Charles and Ephraim Shiplett.
Six Anderson’s of the original settler and their families.
Solomon Lewis, a grandson and his family. B.F. Anderson and wife,
two daughters and two grandchildren, C. G. Anderson and daughter.
The friends present swelled the
company present to 150. An old fashion country dinner, lavishly provided, was
served to all. Rev. Ricketta and Aller, Mr. Bell, a neighbor and Mr. Ephraim
Shiplett made entertaining addresses.
It was in every way an enjoyable event."

Looking through
today in 1900 school teachers assignments in
Hopewell Twp.
School No. 10 Foster George
No. 2
Jas Fink
Feb 22, 1900
Married on Feb. 14, 1900 at the brides parents near Gratiot,
by Rev. J. I. Tyler of Hopewell,
Miss Mabel Shiplett and Mr. Joseph Reber.
They intend on making their home in Lancaster, Ohio.
May 24, 1900
Willie George listed as a graduate of Hopewell
Also: " Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Shiplett and Ira Shiplett and family were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Shiplett on Sunday".
Mar. 8 1900 White Cottage
Mrs. Ephraim Shiplett, mention of whose illness was made some time ago, is
still in a serious state of health and suffering great pain.
June 7, 1900
Hopewell Jury Assignment Hopewell Twp.
James Tanner, C. H. Stanbery, B.O. Felton, Edward Shuey.
C.M Morgan has made a new addition to his bldg by putting
up a new verandah.
(probably Mt.
Sterling and Hopewell news were combined)
Dec 13, 1900
A.D. VanAllen and W. E. Fink were in Newark last week. Dec. 27 1900
Mr. A.M. Allison moved to Gratiot from New Concord.
(He rented a farm)
Mr. Walter Shiplett, of Gratiot???
and Miss Laura Riggle of Hopewell were
married Wednesday Evening at the Mt. Sterling M. R. parsonage by the
Mr. Barnett. They will reside with the grooms parents for the present.
very paculiar incident of their marriage is the fact that Mr. Shiplett
the third and the last one of the Shiplett brothers and Miss Riggle is
second and last one of the Riggle sisters married since June 14, 1906.
Here are the Shiplett's that married since then:
Francis M Shiplett married Anna E. Riggle on June 14, 1906
Joseph and Walter were the other two.
Anna and Laura are the two sisters for the Riggle sisters

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shiplett of
Zanesville were the week end guests at the home of Mrs. Lizzie Allison.
Job Simmons of Zanesville is seriously ill at the home of his daughter Mrs. Ode
OH Wed. Nov 4, 1925
Birthday Party At White
Cottage Home
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Shiplett of White Cottage, entertained
with a birthday dinner recently in honor of the former's sister, Mrs. I. A. Fay,
of Seattle, Wash, and his two nieces, Miss Ricketts, of Columbus, and Mrs.
Myrtle Van Allen.
The following relatives and friends were present:
Leroy Shiplett and Mrs. Nelson Shiplett, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Wharton, Mr.
and Mrs. Welcome Shiplett and children, Le Roy, Beverly, Marjorie, and Nellie;
Mr. and Mrs.Robert State Van Allen and daughter, Mary Frances, I. A. Fay of
Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. A. L. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Casper, Jacob Ricketts,
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Van Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Cooley and children, Emma and
Mary; C.W. Martin and daughter, Wanda, Miss Laura Case, all of Columbus, Ohio;
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ferguson and son Ronald, Daniel Van Allen, Dorothy Shiplett,
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Atwell and children, Erma, Roma, Ozie, and Charles, all of
White Cottage.
THE TIMES RECORDER Mon. Dec. 9, 1928
p. 5
Enjoy Affair at Rutledge
A pleasant time was enjoyed Thursday evening when friends and neighbors of Hazel
Rutledge called to spend the evening and showered her with handkerchiefs. Games,
contests, music and social conversation were featured and a delicious picnic
lunch was served.
Those present were Kate McCaslin, Ruby Stemm, Pearl Redman, Jennie Durant, Naomi
Mitchell, Clara Greiner, Mrs. George Thompson, Nancy Havens, Olga Barnes,
Mary Mitchell, Edna Mount, Bessie Davis, Hazel Van Allen,, Myrtle Gibson,
Janet Shiplett, Cora Lawyer, Ollie Brock, Esther Van Allen, Gladys Van Allen,
Mrs. Paul Riehl, Louella Barnes, Bob Mitchell, Doris Durant, Vivian Havens, Elda
Fern Havens, Frank Calvin Havens, Mary Elizabeth Van Allen, Margaret Van
Allen, Joan Shiplett, and the Rutledge family.
THE DAILY SIGNAL Sat. July 26, 1930
pub. Zanesville, Ohio
The annual Shiplett family reunion held Sunday at Smith
Grove near Gratiot proved an enjoyable event despite the threatening
weather. Outdoor games were enjoyed and a sumptuous basket dinner featured the
A program was rendered.
The annual election of officers resulted as follows:
Charles (Bud) Martin;
vice president, George G. Bailey;
secretary, Musa Carper of 159 North Twentieth street, Columbus;
treasurer, Bertie Yearley;
program committee, Nellie Van Allen,Mabel Whittlinger, Fannie Cooley,
Guy Francis;
sports, Elmer Shiplett Arthur Eversole, Andrew Van Allen, Jack Ferguson;
table committee, Della Williams, Louise Woodward, Mrs. Welcome Shiplett;
coffee and ice cream, Gusa Woodward.
The next reunion is to be held the third Sunday in August in 1931, at the same
place, Smith's grove.
Those present were: LeRoy
Shiplett, Charles Chapman, Mrs. Laena Eversole, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cooley Eunice
and Mary Cooley, Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Shiplett, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Shiplett, John, Mary
and Patsy Shiplett, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Westcott and children, Henry Shiplett and
family,Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yearly, Mr. and Mrs. C.G. Francis of Massillon;
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Parker Brandon, Welcome Shiplett,
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Van Allen and children, William, Marcella and Laura;
Mr. and Mrs. Welcome Martin and children, Mae, Betty, Robert and
Billy; Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Shiplett and daughter Dorothy; Mr. and Mrs
Armour Williams; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Woodward, Mr.and Mrs. Russell Whitlinger and
daughter Mary; Mrs. Thelma Merchant and Children;
Lillie, Emmett and Nettie Shiplett; Wayne Rambo, Mrs Jack and Richard Caughey,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson and children, P. Brandon, Arthur Eversole,
Mrs. Welcome Shiplett, Beverly and Lervy Woodward, Nellie Marjorie and Katherine
Shiplett, Mr. and Mrs. H. Carper, Mrs. Luetta Martin, Charles Martin Wanda
Martin, of Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Van Allen,
Mr. and Mrs. Gusa Woodward and daughter Margaret; Walter Shiplett and sons,
Martin and Forest; Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Smith, Mr. and Mrs. George G. Bailey and
daughter Elizabeth; Floyd Mauk, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Miller and children; Charles
Martin, Colunbus; Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Kissick.
other descendants are urged to get in touch with the secretary for next year.
held Aug. 17, 1930
Mrs. Eleanor Black Has
Dinner Party
Mrs. Eleanor Black entertained Thursday at her home.
A dinner was served at the noon hour.
Covers were placed for Mrs. Nellie Brock and children, Mrs. Grace McGrath,
Beulah Eck and daughter Barbara, Mrs. Glenna Westcott and daughter, Mazie, Mrs.
Kathleen Hall and children, Mrs. Frances Swank and daughter, Thelma, Mrs. Una
Riggle and daughter, Doris, Mrs. Corrine Huntsman and daughter, Norma Jean, Mrs.
Eleanor Black and children Jimmy and Evelyn, Mrs. Frances Martin and children,
Genie and Eddie, Mrs. Mary Black, and the Misses Dorothy Ardrey, Bessie George,
Marjorie George, and Lela Weaver.
The next meeting will be held with Mrs. Beulah Eck,
at which time an exchange of handkerchiefs will take place.
THE ZANESVILLE NEWS Monday July 15, 1940
Members of the George Ridge Club met Thursday at the home of the Misses Bessie
and Marjorie George. Dinner was served at the noon hour.
Present at the meeting were:
Hazel Butler, Corrine Huntsman, Eleanor Black, Jimmie and Evelyn Black, Betty
Blackstone, Unus and Greta George, Minnie Dryer, Grace McGrath, Una Riggle,
Buelah Eck, Lela Weaver, Doris Riggle,,Nellie Brock and Margaret Archer. Frances
Martin, and children, Florence Ardrey,
Dorothy Ardrey,Lulu Hebinger, Ella George,, Wada Taylor, Margaret and Wilma
George Glenna Westcott, Bonnie Westcott, Wayne Westcott,
Bessie and Marjorie George.
The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Eleanor Black,
Thursday, July 11. A ten cent gift exchange will feature the meeting.
Macedonia Church Has
Children's Day
The Macedonia United Brethren Church will have the annual
children's day service and program Sunday at 8 p.m.
The program has been arranged as follows:
Song choir: welcome, Paul Snelling; prayers, Barbara and Jean
song choir; recitation, Dwight Merkle; recitation Evelyn Snelling and four
little boys; exercise, Junior girls and boys; music, Rea and Jean Wise.
Recitation, Martha Chapman; choral, Intermediate class; recitation, Edwin
Spargrove; exercise, junior girls; questionaire, Hazel wise and junior class;
song, junior class; recitation, Marilyn Winn. Recitation, Gloria
Crawford; song, Choir; exercise, Cooperdeaan Wise and Karol Larason; recitation,
Clara Butler; song, choir; benediction, Rev. Mr. Morgan.
THE ZANESVILLE NEWS Sat. June 28, 1940
Mr.. and Mrs. Wilkins Hosts to
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wilkins of Meadow Farm entertained at their home on the
Coopermill road Tuesday evening, members of the society of the
Ladies Christian Service and their families. A picnic supper was enjoyed on the
lawn. During the business session plans were made to serve a chicken supper in
the near future.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kreager and children, Bernard, Patty
and Rosemary, Mrs. Cloe Gray, Mrs. Marjorie Brownfield, Mrs. Corine Huntsman,
Norma Jean, Clarence and Thelma Shiplett, Mr. and Mrs. Andie McGregor, Pearl
Brown, William Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ross, Florence Ross, Grace George, Mrs.
Margaret Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Delba Brown, Frank Culp, Rev. and Mrs. Ertle,
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Watkins, Mrs. Margaret Wilkins, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wilkins
and son Charles William.
THE TIMES RECORDER: Thursday, August 21, 1941