Parables of Jesus
Excerpted from
The Complete Multimedia Bible based on the King James Version.
Copyright (c) 1994 Compton's New Media, Inc.
It is really easy to use and you can look up words and it
gives you notes on that subject,
this is what I wanted to share
with other people.
New Cloth on an Old Garment ~
9:16 , Mark
2:21, Luke 5:36
New Wine in Old Wineskins ~ Matthew
9:17, Mark 2:22, Luke 5:37
Houses on Rock and Sand ~ Matthew 7:24,
Luke 6:47
The Two Debtors ~ Luke 7:41
The Sower and Soil ~ Matthew 13:3, Mark
4:03, Luke 8:05
Lamp Under A Bushel ~ Matthew 5:14, Mark
4:21, Luke 8:16 & 11:33
The Good Samaritan ~ Luke 10:30
The Persistent Friend ~ Luke 11:05
The Rich Fool ~ Luke 12:16
Servants watching For Their Master ~
Luke 12:35
The Faithful Steward ~ Luke 12:42
A Fig tree Without Figs ~ Luke 13:06
The Mustard Seed ~ Matthew 13:31, Mark
4:30, Luke 13:18
Leaven ~ Matthew 13:33, Luke 13:20
Places of Honor ~ Luke 14:07
The Great Banquet and the Reluctant
Guests ~ Luke 14:16
Counting The Cost Luke ~ 14:28
The Lost Sheep ~ Matthew 18:12, Luke
The Lost Coin ~ Luke
The Prodigal Son ~ Luke 15:11
The Dishonest Manager ~ Luke 16:01
The Richman and Lazarus ~ Luke 16 :19
The Servants and their Duty ~ Luke 17:07
The Unjust Judge and the Persistent
Widow ~ Luke 18:02
The Pharisee and the Tax Collector ~
Luke 18:02
Talents (or Pounds) ~ Matthew 25:14 -
30, Luke 19:12
The Wicked Tenants ~ Matthew 21:33, Mark
12:01, Luke 20:09
The Leaves on the Fig trees ~ Matthew
24:32 -33, Mark 13:28, Luke 21:29
The Return of the House owner ~ Mark
The Growing Seed ~ Mark 4:26
Tares ~ Matthew 13:24
The Hidden Treasure ~ Matthew 13:44
The Pearl of Great Value ~ Matthew 13:45
The Fishermans Net ~ Matthew 13:47
The Unforgiving Debtor ~ Matthew 18:23
Laborers in the Vineyard ~ Matthew 20:01
The Two Sons ~ Matthew 21:28
The Wedding Banquet ~ Matthew 22:02
The Ten Virgins ~ Matthew 25:1 -13
The Sheep and the Goats ~ Matthew 25:31
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I am a Christian who believes in Jesus Christ
being the only way to heaven and to get there you have to give your
life to God and ask Jesus into your heart and ask Gods forgiveness
for all the things you have done wrong in your life. Please give
your life to God and enjoy eternity in Heaven.
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