My Personal Belief I am a Christian who believes in Jesus Christ being the only way to heaven and to get there you have to give your life to God and ask Jesus into your heart and ask Gods forgiveness for all the things you have done wrong in your life. Please give your life to God and enjoy eternity in Heaven.
wanted to dedicate all my web pages to the Son of Almighty God
the Savior of my life and the one source of all my peace in
this crazy world. Do you have Jesus in your life? Having
Jesus can only make your life better.
You know I try to be happy , I believe in positive feelings
I believe someone out there has to have hope in this world if we didn't I am not sure this world would go on as it is. I believe in being happy as much as I can I totally believe that staying positive and having faith in life and God will keep you from going crazy in this world of ours.
hate negative energy and I believe if you sit around feeling
sorry for yourself all the time and always saying your sick
will make you unhappy and unhealthy.
I believe if we say can happen.
We all have to start changing this world somehow. |
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